Sunday 21 October 2012

Stuck in the Water

This was taken at the same lake as Bending in the Wind. The water level had gotten quite high in some areas and became more swampy looking.

Bending in the Wind

This picture was taken at a small lake. It was quite windy that day and the grass and cattails were bending in the breeze.

Looking at You

This picture is of a black bird. It surprised me by landing so close to me.

Friday 12 October 2012

Light At the End of the Path

This picture was taken in a wooded area where I live. It is a path that's kinda hidden off the main path. It took walking by it a couple times for me to really see it.

Hitching A Ride

A black and white picture of a sparrow on the side mirror of a vehicle. This was taken in the driveway of our house.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Taking a Rest

This picture of the dragonfly was hard to get. It took quite a few tries to manage to get this. It didn't like to stay still for to long before it would fly to another piece of grass.

Baby Duck

This picture is of a duckling swimming among reeds. It kept playing peek-a-boo with me, peeking out from behind the reeds and cattails.