Monday 26 August 2013

Friday 5 April 2013

Drip, Drip, Drip

I love the seeing signs that the snow is leaving and spring is coming. Watching the ice and snow melt into the creek brings spring to the front of your mind.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Water and Ice

I like how the icicles hang over and dangle into the running water. 

Monday 1 April 2013

Friday 29 March 2013

Where's the Food?

This picture was taken at a family members farm. They were looking for more food, my daughter had just finished feeding them with her Grammy's help.

So sorry

Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't posted anything for awhile. Things got a little crazy and I haven't had a chance to go take pictures or really look through the ones I already have. I should be posting more often now.

Wednesday 13 February 2013


I took this picture at a family members farm. I thought the calf was so cute standing there checking everyone out.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

You Can't See Me Can You?

I love living where I do. A person can walk down a trail in the city and see animals like this as you walk. There are probably 3 or 4 moose living along the trails.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Seeing Double

More flowers from my moms garden. I do like taking pictures of flowers. Probably because unless it's windy they stay in the same spot and don't move at all until your done.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Chowing Down

I was quite happy to get this picture of the moose snacking on the tree.

Moose and Bird

This is a picture of a moose with a magpie on it's back. The moose surprised me. I wasn't expecting to see it across the creek. I was quite happy I got this picture when the magpie landed on it.

Friday 1 February 2013

Wednesday 30 January 2013


A picture of my favorite flower, a lily.

A Bunch

I love taking pictures of flowers, as I'm sure will become very apparent with the number of pictures involving flowers grows by leaps and bounds on the site. 

Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Flower

This is a close up of a flower in my mom's garden. 

In the Nest

This picture of a pigeon was taken under an overpass. Quite a few have moved in and made it their home. 

Flower Time

The bee landed just as I was taking the picture. It had great timing.

Over the Creek

This black and white picture was taken on the trails where I live.


I took this picture while my daughter was playing with a bubble maker she got for her birthday. She was going nuts with it and the way the bubbles were landing was neat but they weren't hanging around long. This was one of the only ones I was able to actually catch before they popped.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Uphill Climb

This picture was taken at the same time as Momma and Baby. The fawn took to long eating and had to hurry up the hill to catch up with the doe.

Having a Snack

This picture was taken at the same time as Momma and Baby. I managed to catch the fawn looking my way as they were snacking on a branch.

Momma and Baby

This picture was taken in the city I live in. I was surprised to come around a bend in the trail and see the doe across the creek from me and even more surprised when the fawn came out of a bush to join their mom.

Pollen Falling

This was also taken in my mom's garden. I loved how the pollen was falling down the petal and pooling in the bottom before it would fall off.


This was taken in my mom's garden. The background is white wood but looks almost like water in this picture.

Crossing the Bridge

This picture is of a train bridge in the city I live in. I like taking black and white pictures of things like this, especially older buildings and such.

Crossing the Road

This picture was taken where a secondary highway crosses the railway tracks. I made sure to time it so I wouldn't be around when the train came through.

Hiding in the Bush

This picture was taken in the city I live in. We have quite a few deer and a few moose that live in the area. This moose was laying in the bush in the perfect spot to make it impossible to get a clear shot of it. 

Sea Shells

This picture was taken at Bear Lake in Northern Alberta. I was helping my daughter find shells and saw this and just had to take a picture of it.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Sunrise on the Farm

This picture was taken later during the same sunrise as Rise and Shine.

Rise and Shine

This picture was taken as the sun was coming over the horizon.

On the Rocks

I was surprised I managed to take this picture of a spider. I have a massive fear of them and tend to run in the opposite direction. The spiders would come out from under the rocks and then run and hide if you got to close to them.


This picture was taken at a farm. The post is on the edge of the field.

The Lake

This is picture was taken at the same lake as On the Rise. 

On the Rise

I took this picture at a lake in my city. There are a lot of Canada geese that live there in the summer. I managed to catch this goose rising out of the water flapping its wings.

On a Flower

I took this picture at the same park as the bugs. There were so many dragonflys it was hard to focus on just one.

Taking a Break

I took this picture at a pond in a park in my city. Not sure what kind of bugs they are.

Looking for Food

I took this picture at Bear Lake in Northwestern Alberta. Surprisingly they let me get fairly close to them.

Friday 18 January 2013


I took this black and white picture on a farm. It was the only post with barb wire left on it.